Sri Stuthi – 22

Yadhugiri nAchchiyAr- mElkOTe
Yadhugiri nAchchiyAr- mElkOTe

The 22nd slOkam is recited for removal of fear from SamsAram and growth of Bhagavath Bhakthi

The key passage of this slOkam is: “aham ThvAm kim yaachE? Tava SeethaLa udhAra seelA kaDaakshA: mahathAm MangaLAnAm prabhandhAn bhUya: bhUya: disathi” (Oh Mother ! What boon can I ask of You? None; Because Your cool and generous side glances confer on whoever it falls upon great rows of auspiciousness frequently).

Word by word Meaning:

Bhagavathy= Oh Devi with six primary guNams like BhagavAn!
bhava bhaya tamee= for the night (tamee) of terror linked to the fear of SamsAram
bhanava: sarvE bhAvA := our states of mind acting like the many Sooryans in all their states banish that dark SamsAric night due to Your anugraha sakthi
Thvath PrasAdhAth Harou bhakthim udhvElayantha: sampadhyanthE= and they generate also immense bhakthi for Your Lord as a result of Your anugraham.
aham ThvAm iha kim yaachE?= now, what can I seek further as a boon from You? Nothing else remains to be asked. I cannot think of any.
yatha:= because
SeethaLa udhAra seelA ThvAm= You with Your cool and generous nature (grant)
MahathAm= very big
mangaLAnAm prabhandhAn= rows of MangaLams
bhUya: bhUya: diSasi= You confer on us time and time again.

Meaning according to Dr. M.NarasimhAchAry:

Adorable One! By Your grace, all my thoughts are only enhancing my loving devotion towards Lord Hari. You are always showering welfare on me. So, what more shall I ask for?

Meaning according to Villivalam Sri Narayanachar Swamy:

Oh Bhagavathy! for us now, the welcome state of mind, wherein the fear about the samsAram has been destroyed through Your grace just as the dark night is chased away by the illumining rays of the rising Sun.

Thanks to that grace of Yours, our thoughts have become auspicious and You have stimulated Bhakthi towards Your Lord. Over and above these two blessings, what is there for me to ask of You? There is none that I could think of as additional boons to request. Out of Your abundant compassion and generosity, You are showering waves and waves of MangaLams on adiyEn.

Additional observations on this slOkam passages:

Oh Mother! You are Sarvajn~yai (Omniscient). You know even before we can identify what we need; You already shower those boons on us. You are saluted by Your Sahasra Naamams as “Svasthi karyai nama:” (One who showers auspiciousness of every kind) and “Raajya Lakshmyai nama:” and “dhana Lakshmyai nama:” You bless Your devotees with great kingdoms on this earth and immense wealth of other kinds. Your Sathya Sankalpam (unfailing resolve) and ParamAptha svaroopam (supreme friendship to Your devotees) makes You recognized as “Sarva Paalini” (protector of All), Sarva DhAyini (grantor of all boons), ParAsakthi (Omnipotent force) and “Kali Kalmasha naasini” (one who destroys the Kali dhOshams).

Your concern for us and looking into our Yoga-KshEmam leads to Your Sahasra Naamam of “Yoga-KshEma vahAyai nama:”. Sitting on Your auspicious seat (Bhadra peetam), You shower on us Your “MahA VibhUthi” (great Iswaryam) and appear before us (agratha: sTithAyai nama:) with Your beautiful roopam (Soumya roopa vyavasTithAyai nama:).

Sarva MangaLa MaangalyE! Sarva lOka Priyankari! Bhava bhanga apahAriNee!
BhOga PriyE! BhOgavathy! Sarva lakshaNa lakshaNyE! NaarAyaNee!

SraddhE! MEdhE! IndhirA! VaaNee! SubhadhrA! Kaama dhuhE! Suvimalaa!
Bhaktha VathsalE! SucharithrE! Sthuthi PriyE! SivE!

Kaama varshaNee! LalanthikE! Sama darSinee! Sarva ManthrAthmikE! Sarva
YanthrAthmikE! Sarva TanthrAthmikE! SarvathO bhadrE!

Loka dhAriNi! VishNu dhurgE! PuNya NilayE! MangaLa dEvathE!
—- ithyAlapantham Maamm anisam paripaalaya!

(Oh Mother! Please protect me, who is repeating these sahasra Naamams of Yours, always! Remove adiyEn’s SamsAra Bheethi! Grow Bhakthi for Your Lord!).

To be continued…


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