ThiruKandiyur Hara Sabha Vimosana Perumal


Located about 11 kms from Thanjavur on the road to Thiruvayaru, this place is called Kandiyur in memory of Lord Shiva, also known as Kandeeswarar, who got salvation from the Brahmma’s curse.

The main deity here is Hara Sabha Vimosana Perumal/ Kamalanathan- Goddess: Kamalavalli Naachiyar(Facing East-Standing Posture)

The story:
Once upon a time, both Shiva and Brahmma had 5 heads. One day Parvati (Shiva’s wife) coming out of her pooja mistook Brahmma (because of his 5 heads) for her husband and began serving him by washing his legs. A furious Shiva announced Brahmma and his 5 heads was the reason for this confusion and that Brahmma had become arrogant (because he too had 5 heads).

In a fit of anger, Shiva took the middle head of Brahmma with his hand. Unfortunately though, the 5th head of Brahmma stuck to his(Shiva’s) hand.Shiva went around the world on a pilgrimage to find salvation from the curse by begging for food, with Brahmma’s skull as the begging vessel. Every time someone filled the vessel with food, it vanished immediately, to Shiva’s horror.

Finally on reaching Uttamar Koil, Goddess Lakshmi filled the vessel with food ending Shiva’s hunger. However, to Shiva’s dismay, Brahmma’s skull still lay fixed on his hand.Vishnu answered Shiva’s prayer for salvation, and asked him to bathe at Kandiyur. It is believed that Shiva prayed to Goddess Kamalavalli and Vishnu at Kandiyur and attained salvation from Lord Kamalanathan here.

Legend has it that because Shiva got cleansed of his curse, the deity here is called ‘Hara Saabha Vimosana Perumal’(Hara is another name of Shiva).

Thirumangai Azhvaar’s only Paasuram at Kandiyur goes thus “ Pindiaar Mandai Endhi, Pirar Manai…………….” meaning – Vishnu rid the curse on Shiva, who went begging everywhere with Brahmma’s skull as a begging bowl. Other than worshipping the Lord, is there a way to salvation” sings Thirumangai Azhvaar(Paasuram-2050).

Being the place where Shiva himself got salvation from his curse, it is believed that all our curses will go away if one visits this temple.This is also known as the Pancha Kamala Kshetram(Lord Kamalanathan, Goddess Kamalavalli, Kamala Pushkarani, Kamala Vimaanam and Kamala Kshetram)

Quick Facts:

Buses every 5-10 minutes between Thanjavur and Thiruvayaru
Temple Timing : 8am-12noon and 430pm-8pm
Priest : Kannan Bhattar @ 94872 52321
Place to stay: A number of economical hotels at Thanjavur


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