Sri Paduka Sahasra Parayanam, Sri Krishna Sabha, Mumbai


Sri Krishna Sabha conduted its Annual Utsavam of Sri Paduka Sahasra (of Swami Desikan) Parayanam for the 65th year in succession at Sabha premises on March 25 2012. The utsavam was well attended, as in every year, by Srivaishnavas of Mumbai and Abhimanis of Swami Desikan.The entire Paduka Sahasram was rendered in about five and half hours, followed by Satrumurai and Goshti.

At the start of each Pathathi, a sloka from Swami Desikan’s Nyasa Thilakam was recited .
At the end of each Pathathi, Prasadam was offered to Perumals, in the form of fresh fruits and dry fruits. Also 32 different flowers were oragnised for the utsavam and at the start of each Pathathi, flowers were also offered.

Sri.U.Ve.Vengarai Vasudeavachariar swamin, recited slokas that indicate, the benefits that occur to Bhagavathas who recite Sri Ranganatha Paduka Saharam.

Namavali Sri Ranganatha Paduka Sahasram was also recited.

The following are the related videos…

Start of Parayanam:

Rendering Rathnasamanya Pathathi:

Benefits of reciting Sri Paduka Sahasram:

Satrumurai, Sambhavanai, Sri Paduka Sahasra Parayanam:

Upcoming Sabha Events:

10-Day Sri Ramanuja Jayanthi utsavam will be celebrated from April 18, 2012 at Sabha premises. Upanyasam will be conducted on all days of the utsavam.

Courtesy: Sri Veeraraghavan Swami

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