Melkote Vaina Mudi (Vairamudi) Brahmothsavam (Photos and Videos)


Melkote Sri Thirunarayanan Vaina Mudi (Vairamudi) Brahmothsavams are being held from last week.

Started on March 27th 2012 and concludes on April 8th 2012. Photos and videos covered during the utsavam between 28th to 2nd of April can be seen below:

Also visit: – Video Upanyasam about Melkote

Photos thanks to: Karthik Sankaradass, Satish, Bangalore and others.

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  1. Adiyen was exclaimed to see that our sampradayam news letter also call Melkote Thirunaranyan Perumal’s Kridam as VAIRAMUDI like other newspaper , Of course it has some Diamonds engraved in it . But its true name is Vaina Mudi. As it was gifted to lord by VAINATEYA ie. GARUDAZHWAN . The same for Theryandur ‘s Thiruther also.!!

    • adiyen, thanks for the comment. We have added it as Vaina mudi.
      Since the utsavam is popular identified as VairaMudi sevai, we had published it with that title, for the readers to identify it.

  2. The information and Photos of Melkote temple and uthsavams are very much interesting and admired by all Vaishnovas in the country. The popular vairamudi sevai utsaam is most admired festival by all people in and around the country. I therefore very much interested to know the programme and dates of the festival and request to inform my by mail. Thanking you Raja Salem Tamilnadu.

  3. Hare Krishna Prabhu,

    The Lord is very beautiful. He is very cute. Plz inform the date when the vainamudi utsava happens, as i have not attended the utsavam any time.

  4. Bhagawan and cohorts were well decorated and brought in procession. Except the Bagawathas, the devotion quotient is absent. Local goons went round everywhere indulging in causing nuisance and looting. Police personnel were providing security only to VIP’s and were in safe zones. No coordination and proper arrangement for easy darshan to poor, aged, ordinary devotees. Police forces should offer more convenience to ordinary citizens to have a hazzle free satisfied darshan.


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