Thiru Kannamangai Bhaktavatsala Perumal


Krishna Mangala Kshetram
Devas witnessed the Lord’s wedding with Lakshmi and stayed here at this temple as bees

Thiru Kannamangai Bhaktavatsalam Divya Desam is located about 25kms South of Thirucherai Divya Desam on the Kumbakonam-Thiruvarur road between two rivers – OdamPokki in the South and Virutha Cauvery in the North.

The Story

Goddess Lakshmi performed penance here to attain the Lord. It is believed that Thirupaarkadal Lord called in his security Vishwakshena and asked him to suggest a good day for their wedding. Legend has it that all the Devas congregated here to witness the wedding. They were so overwhelmed on seeing the Lord and Goddess Lakshmi together that they took the form of bees and decided to stay here ever after. To this day, one can find the bees in the Thaayar Sannidhi – a unique feature of this Divya Desam.

Krishna Mangala Kshetram

As Lakshmi’s wedding took place here at Thiru Kannamangai, this place is called Krishna Mangala Kshetram.
Special sculpture of Vaikuntanathan and ‘Vishnu on top of Garuda’ is a feature here. Lord Shiva is said to be protecting the place from all sides. Belief is that one who stays here for a night will attain Moksham. Chandran is said to have been relieved of his curse (by Devas) after his prayers to the Lord here.

The Nayak kings are said to have renovated the temple in the 17th century.

Azhvaar Praise

Says Thirumangai:

“பெரும்பு றக்கட லையட லேற்றினைப் பெண்ணை யாணை,எண்ணில் முனிவர்க்கருள்
தருந்த வத்தைமுத் தின்திரள் கோவையைப் பத்த ராவியை நித்திலத் தொத்தினை,
அரும்பி னையல ரையடி யேன்மனத் தாசை யை அமு தம்பொதி யின்சுவைக்
கரும்பி னைக்,கனி யைச்சென்று நாடிக் கண்ண மங்கையுள் கண்டுகொண் டேனே.”(1638)

Quick Facts

Deity : Bhaktavatsalam -Standing Posture facing East
Goddess : Kannamangai
Utsavar : Perum Pura Kadal
Utsav Goddess : Abhisheka Valli
Azhvaar : Thirumangai Azhvaar (14)- 1638-47,1848,2008,2673(71),2674(116)
Temple timing : 730am –1230pm and 5pm-830pm
Priest : P.K. Ramaswamy Bhattar
Tel No. : 92454 89881 or 98424 65956
Place to Stay : Best to stay in Kumbakonam or Mayavaram

How to reach Thiru Kannamangai

One can take a bus from Kumbakonam via Tirucherai. One can also reach Kannamangai from Thiruvarur (about 7 kms West of Thiruvarur).

From Mayavaram, one can take the Tiruvarur road to reach Thiru Kannamangai


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