Sholingur Narasimha Swamy Temple Chitrai Brahmotsavam


Chitirai Brahmotsavam is scheduled at Sholingur between the 24th of April to 9th of May 2012. Its one of the important yearly event that takes place in this divya desam. Astikas are requested to attend the utsavam and have the blessings of Lord Nrusimha. Details of the utsavam can be found below in the invitation.

Located about 90kms west of Madras (and about 25kms from Arakkonam and 40kms from Tiruttani), atop a hill on a single stone is the Lord Narasimha Divya Desam in Sholingur, also called Chozha-Simha-Puram and Thiru Kadigai. This is also referred to as UtheeCheerangam(North Srirangam).

There are two temples of significance here- the Yoga Narasimha temple at Periya Malai (the big hill) and the Yoga Chathurbhuja Anjaneyar temple at Chinna Malai (the small hill).

1300 steps up the big hill
Guarding oneself against the hundreds of monkeys, one has to walk up 1305 steps to reach the Narasimha Sannidhi at the ‘Periya Malai’. East of this Sannidhi in another hill is the Yoga Anjaneya Sannidhi( one has to climb another about 406 steps to reach the Sannidhi atop the chinna malai ). Atop the hill, in Thiru Kadigai, one finds the Moolavar deity and Amruthavalli Thaayar, while in the town below, one can have darshan of the Utsava Deity.

Sage Vishwamitra, who undertook penance here, was blessed with ‘Brahmma Rishi’ by Lord Narasimha, within 24 minutes (One Kadigai/ One ‘Naazhigai’). Following the foot steps of the great sage, Saptha Rishis too undertook penance here at Sholingur wanting a darshan of the Narasimha Avataaram and hoping to get the darshan within 24minutes!! Hence, it is believed that one who stays here for 24 minutes will attain Moksham.

During his rule, the great Chozha king, Karikaala Chozhan, called this region Thiru Kadigai.

More details of the temple can be read from:



மிக்கானை மறையாய் விரிந்த விளக்கை என்னுள்

புக்கானை புகழ்சேர் பொலிகின்ற பொன்மலையைத்

தக்கானை கடிகைத் தடங்குன்றின் மிசையிருந்த

அக்காரக் கனி”யை அடைந்துய்ந்து போனேனே – திருமங்கையாழ்வார்!

More details of the temple can be read from:




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