Sri Gopala Vimsati – 15


I join my hands in Anjali Mudra and lower my head in salutation of that much revered effulgent, dark-hued Jyothi of Gopala, whose divine flute music joins in conversation as it were with the taaLam of Gopis wearing golden bangles that jingle as they keep up with the rhythmic patterns.


Swamy Desikan offers his humble anjali to the Self-effulgent JyOthi, KrishNa, for drawing His sampoorNa chithram on his heart lotus out of a sense of gratefulness. KrishNan performed a MahOpakAram by entering Swamy Desikan’s heart with all His perfection. The grateful AchAryan acknowledges that matchless help for which no prathyupakAram. Vide: Swamy NammAzhwAr in his ThiruvAimozhi Pasuram (I.10.10): “MaRappaRa yennuLLE ManninAn Tannai”. KaNNan enacted for His dear devotee all the Raasa KreeDais on the banks of Yamuna from His seat on Swamy Desikan’s heart lotus. Swamy Desikan enjoys that Supreme JyOthi (MahithAya MahasE) and bows his head low to offer his anjali (vinathEna mouLinA anjalim kalayAmi). In Tamil, the scene can be described thus: Anjana VaNNan KaNNan Tannai, Brahma RudhrAdhihaLAl koNDADappadum Appanai, ulaham yellAm vaNangum JyOthi manDalatthai, adiyEn talai thAzhnthu vaNanguhirEn. Swamy Desikan hears divine music from inside His heart, where the sweet VeNu Naadham emanates to the accompaniment of the resonating sound (Kai thALam) generated by the bangles of Gopis enchanted by the Lord ‘s VeNu ghAnam. The flute music and the sound of bangles following that divine music merge with each other like a symphony. The profound happiness resulting from hearing that symphony propels Swamy Desikan to lower his head and offer his anjali in a spirit of gratefulness. Our Lord’s heart melts when He sees the anjali mudhrai (anjali ParamA mudhra kshipram dEva prasAdhinee). He blesses the holder of anjali mudhrA immediately with all soubhAgyams. Swamy Desikan becomes a beneficiary of those blessings and describes his contented state in the next slOkam.

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