Perumpuliyur Sri Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Deepam


Perumpuliyur Sri Sundararja Perumal TempleOn, 7 December 2014, Jaya Varusha Karthikai Mrugaseerushami; Thirukarthikai Utsavam took place in grand manner at Sri Sundararaja Perumal Temple, Perumpuliyur. Devotees lit several lamps around the temple and the whole place looked beautiful with ghee lamps Sparkling. Lot of sevarthies took part in the Thirukarthikai Utsavam and had the blessings of Divya dampatis.

Sri Sundararaja Perumal Temple is located 16 km from Tanjore near by Thillaisthanam. Perumal is Sundararaja Perumal and Thayar is Soundaravalli Thayar at this temple. There are separate sannadhis for Yoga Narasimhar, Sri Govindarajar with Ubhaya Nachiyars and Chakrathazhwar.

A Great Bhaagavatha named Sri Sourirajan from srirangam arranges to celebrate most of the festival in this temple. He brings in many of his friends from srirangam  for the kainkaryam during Utsavam. It is understood well that because of  bhaagavathas like him, many olden Vishnu Temples at villages are still going on with nitya thiruvaradhanam and utsavam. Likewise, all have to find the roots of their native (poorvigam)  village and to help their or nearby village temples by physical or financial to get the blessings of our own  ancestors prayed Perumal.

பெரும்புலியூர் ஸ்ரீசுந்தராஜப்பெருமாள் கோவிலில் நேற்றயதினம்,நண்பர்கள் உதவியுடன் கார்த்திகைதீபம் ஏற்றப்பட்டது. திருவையாறிலிருந்து கல்லணை செல்லும் சாலையில் தில்லைஸ்தானம் எனும் ஊரிலிருந்து புனல்வாசல் ஊருக்கு செல்லும் சாலையில் இந்த பெரும்புலியூர் எனும் அழகிய கிராமம் உள்ளது

For Previous Year Utsavam : Sahasra Deepam At Perumpuliyur Sri Sundararaja Perumal Temple

The following are some of the photo taken during the occasion..

Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-01 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-02 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-03 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-04 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-05 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-06 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-07 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-08 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-09 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-10 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-11 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-12 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-13 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-14 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-15 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-16 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-17 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-18 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-19 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-20 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-21 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-22 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-23 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-24 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-25 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-26 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-27 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-28 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-29 Perumpuliyur Sundararaja Perumal Temple Thirukarthikai Utsavam  -2014-30

Photography : Sri Sourirajan Raghunathan

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