Thirunangur SriVan Purushothama Perumal Temple Brahmotsava Kaingarya Appeal

Sri Purushothama Perumal Thirunangur
The Annual Brahmotsavam of Sri.VanPurushothama Perumal is Planned to be held from 5th to 13th April 2015  in grand manner with 4000 divya prabandha Sevai and Sathumarai. The temple have about 100 acres of wet and dry lands and these lands were given to tenants on lease for paguthi basis and the annual income from these lands is  below Rs .40,000/-. Please note that the annual income of the temple has not been improved despite our efforts to increase the income of the temple.Hence we approach the charitable trust/philanthropic persons like you.Further note that for all the 10 days upayadars are available on smaller scale. However  we require the following for which we have no upayadars:-
1.Deepa Oil,Pooja articles                                         Rs.3,000/-
2. Garlands  formoolavar,acharyas,alwars              Rs.7,000/-
3. Ghee for yaga salai for10 days                             Rs.5,000/-
4. Yagasalathiraviyam                                               Rs.3,000/-
5.Archakar,additonal archakar sambavana          Rs.15,000/-
6.Paricharakar,additional paricharagar                Rs.5,000/-
7. Tube light sets for10 days for rent                     rs.5,000/-
8.Melam,nathaswaram for10 days                          rs.15,000/-
9.Daily prasadam distribution                                rs.3,000/-
We request you to kindly donate any one of the item either in part or in full and may sent your donation by dd/cheque favouring
T.V.V.S.S.K. TRUST,4/83-A,Purushothama Perumal Koil Street,
You may transfer the funds to  trust account
Any clarification on this please contact ,A.PURUSHOTHAMAN : 9750251058
Courtesy : Sri Purushothaman
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  1. dear swamin,Please publish the thalavaralaru.


    Reason for name:- Acharyar Periya vachaan Pillai classified three types of people
    I) Adhaman:-One who does not care about the sufferings of others,as long as he is able to indulge in his pleasures.
    II) Madhiman:- One who wants every body to seek pleasure as he does
    III) Uthaman:- One who even if he suffers, he wants other to enjoy the pleasures

    Perumal is named Van Purushothaman as he is above all.

    SthalaPuranam 1:- Uthanga maha rishi did penance here. The depth of the penance was un bearable to devas who approached mahavishnu for protection. Lord Maha Vishnu agreed to go over to uthangar and make him stop his penance.Lord Maha Vishnu gave darshan to uthangar. Upon the request of the rishi mahavishnu stayed here.

    Sthalapuranam2:- Once upon a time Vyagrapadhamaharishi visited thirunangoor divya desams along with his 3year old son upamanyu for darshan.They were attracted by the lord sri.vanpurushothman in his vadivazhagu.One day vyakrapathar lef this son in the temple and went to garden to bring some flowers for worship of the lord. The boy was cried for milk. After sometime spontaneous grace the lord van purushothaman brought the Ksheerabdi (milky ocean) to thirunangur and fed withmilk. The boy was so happy and he prayed the lord to remain the milky ocean here.This the lord did converting in to huge lake even today called”THIRUPPARKADAL”. This episode is taken in suklha dwadasi in karithaigai. It is believed that one who dip in the lake on that day supposed to wash all the sins.

    The temple ranks among the 108 Divya Desas of Perumal. Saint Tirumangai Azhwar has described Lord of the Temple as Lord Rama of Ayodhya in his Mangala Sasanam hymns, saying that benefits would accrue not only to the one chanting the glory of Lord but also to those listening the chanting. The belief is that issues of any complex nature would be solved if one performs Vishnu Sahasranama archana for 48 days continuously without any break and conclude the prayer with special archana and puja on the final day.

  2. dear swamin, please publish the following actual expenses of brahmotsavam.



    1. Deepa Oil,Pooja articles (camphor,thread,theertha parimalam) Rs.3,000/-
    2. Garlands formoolavar,perumal,thayar,utsavar,alwars, acharyas Rs.5,000/-
    3. Archagar, addl. archakar,paricharkar sambavana Rs.20,000/-
    4. Adhyabaga swamigal sambavana Rs.20,000/-
    5. Tube light set for 10 days for rent Rs.5,000/-
    6. Daily thadiyarathanam for adhyabagaswamigal,archakar etc Rs.5,000/-
    7.Dhoties to sreepatham thanigal ((vasthirams) Rs.15,000/-
    8. Free distribution of prasadam to school going children Rs.10,000/-

    Total Rs. 83,000/-


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