Garuda sevai in Sri Parimala Rangan shrine at Thiruindhalur on Thula Vishu


18 October 2021, Plava varusha, Aippasi-1, Monday;

17 October 2021, Purattasi-31, Sunday; Garuda sevai took place in a very grand manner in Sri Parimala Rangan shrine on Aippasi (Thula) month; day-1, at Thiruindhalur DivyaDesam. Perumal was adorned so beautifully with beautiful huge kadambam garland and many varieties of garlands. The Purappadu of Perumal dressed up like a Chakravarthy looked so fantastic and majestic with His feet on Garudazhwar’s shoulders. Sri Parimala Rangan mounted on Garudazhwar looked majestic during his purappadu on the occasion of Thula Vishu.

Photos of the GarudaSevai can be viewed below:

Photo courtesy: Sri. Balajee Sridhar

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