Samprokshanam At Adhanur Perumal Temple


18 November 2021, Plava varusha, Karthikai -02, Thursday;

Samprokshanam was performed in Sri Andalakkum Aiyan Perumal temple in Adhanur, in Thanjavur District.  Vishnu is worshiped as Andalakkum Aiyan and his consort is worshiped as Bhargavi. the deities are similar to Sri Ranganathaswami temple, MahaVishnu in reclining Half-Sleeping pose and Thayar Sri Ranganayaki.

Devas’ King Indra and Agnibhagawan worshipped Perumal here and got relieved from their curses.

As a part of Samprokshanam, ankurarpanam was performed on 16 November 2021. On the day ankurarapanam, thirumanjanam, Mritsangrahanam, Homam was performed in Yagasalai. Holy water was brought in many Kumbham for thirumanjanam for the kalasam n the gopuram.The days event concluded with Mahapoornahuthi. Samprokashanam was scheduled on 16 November 2021. The whole event was graced by the augment presence of HH-46 th Azhagiyasingar of Ahobila mutt, Srivann Srimad Sri Ranganatha Yatheendra Mahadesikan Swami. Swami was felicitated by SriSadari and Shawl from the Temple Archakas. Assembled devotees got the blessings of Divya Dampathis and Acharyan.

Photos taken during the utsavam can be viewed below:

Photo courtesy: Sri. Sampath Sarangapani

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