Go Pooja in Sri Varadaraja Perumal Temple At Injimedu


19 February 2022, Plava varusha, Masi-07, Saturday ;

Today, being uthira nakashatram, Vishesha thirumanjanam was performed for Sri Perundevi thayar in Sri Varadharaaja Perumal temple at Injimedu, near vandavasi.

On this auspicious day, Go poojai was also performed during which many cowswere brought inside the temple premises and poojai rituals were performed by the archakas. Many devotees participated in the Go pooja. Later, Theertha prasadam was distributed to the assembled devotees. Devotees had a blissful darshan of thayar on this auspicious day.

Photos taken during the day’s event can be viewed below:

Photo courtesy: Sri N.S.Raman

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