Udayavar Utsavam At Tiruvallur Perumal Temple


05 March 2022, Subhakruth Varusha, Chithirai maasa-22, Thursday;

Today, being Udayavar thirunakshatram (chithirai thiruvadhirai), celebrations were in a very grand manner in Sri Vaidya VeeraRaghavaswami temple at Tiruvallur. Holy water was brought in pots for thirumanjanam in sanctified state by the temple archakas along with nadhaswaram. Vishesha aradhanam, Sattrumurai took place in the morning. Sri Ramanujacharyar did mangalasasanam for Sri Veeraraghavaswami and was felicitated by maalai mariyadhai from Divya Dampathis. Sri Ramanujacharyar gave darshan to the devotees in pallakku during His purappadu in the four mada streets.

Photos taken during the utsavam can be viewed below:

Photo courtesy: Sri Senthil

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