Sandhyavandanam – Video and Notes


Performing Sandhyavandanam is one of the MUST and important Nithya Karma. Sandhyaavandana should be learned from an acharya. This learning material is a guideline.

The Video displayed here is for reference and bhagavadas who wish to order this DVD from Srimath Poundareekapuram asramam
please visit this link:


Notes: (Soruce – sripedia)

1. Achamanam



  1. Sit in Kukustana with hands between legs
  2. Twist the right palm so that the little finger, ring finger and middle finger are stretched while first finger is bent inwards forming a hollow in the middle of the palm. The thumb will remain separate from the first finger.
  3. Put a small quantity of water from the vessel in the right hand palm (only a small quantity of water should be taken), swallow (not sip) this water uttering:
    Om Achutaya Namah
    Repeat 3 above uttering two times each repeating
    Om Anantaya Namah
    Om Govindaya Namah
  4. Clean your mouth (lips) with water and wash hand
  5. Recite the following mantras
    Om keshavaaya namaH thumb to touch right cheek
    Om naaraayaNaaya namaH thumb to touch left cheek
    Om maadhavaaya namaH ring finger to touch right eye
    Om govindaaya namaH ring finger to touch left eye
    Om vishhNave namaH index finger to touch right nostril
    Om madhusuudanaaya namaH index finger to touch left nostril
    Om trivikramaaya namaH little finger to touch right ear
    Om vaamanaaya namaH little finger to touch left ear
    Om shriidharaaya namaH middle finger to touch right shoulder
    Om hRishhiikeshaaya namaH middle finger to touch left shoulder
    Om padmanaabhaaya namaH four fingers to touch navel
    Om daamodaraaya namaH four fingers to touch head

2. PrAnAyamam

The body should be in a vertical position. Close the left nostril with ring finger of right hand and exhale from right nostril slowly. Close the right nostril with thumb of right hand, Now, open the left nostril and inhale slowly.
Afterwards, close the left nostril also as before, so that air is held inside the body. Recite mentally the following Mantra (3 times)

Om Bhuh | Om Bhuvah | Om Suvah | Om Mahaha |
Om Janah | Om Tapah | Om Satyam
Om tatsavithurvareniyam | Bhargo devasya dhimahi |
dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
Om Apah | Jyothi | Rasah | amrtam | Brahma |

Note: The thumb and first finger of the left hand should be in contact with the left hand palm facing skywards. Open the right nostril and release the air slowly Say Om and touch the right ear.

3. Sankalpam

Left hand is kept on the right thigh and then covering it with right palm. Then words conveying our intention is recited as under.

Sri Bhagavadajnaya Sriman NArayana Prithyartham, Pratah Sandhyam upasisye

4. Satvika Tyagam

Recite with folded hands

bhagavAn eva svaniyAmya sva-Sesha-bhUtena mayA sva-ArAdhanaika-prayojanAya, svasmai svaprItaye sarva-seshI paramapurushaH sriyaH-pati svayam eva kArayati.

5. Prokshanam

sindhu dvipa rishihih (head)
devi gayathri chandahah (nose)
aapo devata (chest)
apaaM prokshaNe viniyogaH


Hold the tumbler in the left hand
Take a small quantity of water in the right hand palm
Sprinkle it on the head through right hand fingers, reciting at
the same time the mantras.

Om aapohishhThaa mayobhuvaH prokshaNa of the Head
Om taa na uurje dadhaatana prokshaNa of the Head
Om mahe raNaaya chakshase – prokshaNa of the Head
Om yovaH shivatamo rasaH – prokshaNa of the Head
Om tasya bhaajayatehanaH – prokshaNa of the Head
Om ushatiiriva maataraH – prokshaNa of the Head
Om tasmaa araN^gamaama vaH – prokshaNa of the Head
Om yasya kshayaaya jinvatha – prokshaNa of the big Toes
Om aapo janayathaa chanaH – prokshaNa of the Head
Om bhuurbhuvassuvaH

6. Prasanam


  • suuryashchetyanuvaakasya agnir RishhiH      (head)
  • devi gayathri chandahah (nose)
  • suuryo devata (chest)
  • apaaM praashane viniyogaH


Place “tiirtham” in the hollow of right palm and recite as follows

oM | suuryashcha maa manyushcha manyupatayashcha manyukR^itebhyaH | paapebhyo rakshantaam.h | yadraatryaa paapamakaarshham.h | manasaa vaachaa hastaabhyaam.h |
padbhyaamudareNa shishnaa | raatristadavalumpatu | yatkiMcha duritaM mayi | idamahaM maamamR^itayonau | suurye jyotishhi juhomi svaahaa ||

Swallow the water from the palm

7. Achamanam

Follow the same procedure in point-1 for Achamanam

8. Punyah Prokshanam

  • dadhikraavNNa iti mantrasya vaamadeva R^ishhiH    (head)
  • anushhTup.h chhandaH   (nose)
  • dadhikraavaa devataa    (chest)
  • apaaM prokshaNe viniyogaH


  1. Hold the tumbler in the left hand
  2. Take a small quantity of water in the right hand palm
  3. Sprinkle it on the head through right hand fingers, reciting at
    the same time the mantras.

Om dadhikraavNNo akaarishhaM     prokshaNa of the Head
Om jishhNorashvasya vaajinaH          prokshaNa of the Head
Om surabhi no mukhaakarat.h            prokshaNa of the Head
Om pra Na aayuumshhi taarishhat.h   prokshaNa of the Head
Om aapohishhThaa mayobhuvaH      prokshaNa of the Head
Om taa na uurje dadhaatana              prokshaNa of the Head
Om mahe raNaaya chakshase           prokshaNa of the Head
Om yovaH shivatamo rasaH             prokshaNa of the Head
Om tasya bhaajayatehanaH              prokshaNa of the Head
Om ushatiiriva maataraH                  prokshaNa of the Head
Om tasmaa araN^gamaama vaH      prokshaNa of the Head
Om yasya kshayaaya jinvatha           prokshaNa of the big Toes
Om aapo janayathaa chanaH           prokshaNa of the Head

Om bhuurbhuvassuvaH (Take little water on your right palm and throw around your head in clockwise direction like pradaxiNaM )


9. PrAnAyamam

  1. The body should be in a vertical position.
  2. Close the left nostril with ring finger of right hand and exhale from
    right nostril slowly.
  3. Close the right nostril with thumb of right hand
  4. Now, open the left nostril and inhale slowly.
  5. Afterwards, close the left nostril also as before, so that air is held
    inside the body.
  6. Recite mentally the following Mantra (3 times)
    1. Om Bhuh | Om Bhuvah | Om Suvah | Om Mahaha |
      Om Janah | Om Tapah | Om Satyam
    2. Om tatsavithurvareniyam | Bhargo devasya dhimahi |
      dhiyo yo nah prachodayat
    3. Om Apah | Jyothi | Rasah | amrtam | Brahma |
      BhurbhuvassuvaromNote: The thumb and first finger of the left hand should be in
      contact with the left hand palm facing skywards.
  7. Open the right nostril and release the air slowly
  8. Say Om and touch the right ear.

10. Arghyam


  1. Left hand is kept on the right thigh and then covering it with right palm. Then words conveying our intention is recited as under.
  2. Sri Bhagavadajnaya Sriman NArayana Prithyartham
    Pratah Sandhyam arghyapradaanaM karishhye


  • arghyapradaana ma.ntrasya vishvaamitra R^ishhiH    (head)
  • devi gayathri chhandaH   (nose)
  • savitaa devataa    (chest)
  • arghyapradaane viniyogaH


  1. Stand erect holding tumbler in the left hand between thumb and first finger.
  2. Hold both palms together, separating the thumb of the right hand from rest of fingers.
  3. Take water in both palms – holding palms at the level of the face.
  4. Recite gayathri mantra verbally with sound waves emanating from the mouth; throw the water up in the air, looking at the sun, while doing so the heels of both legs should be raised. (That is arghyam is offered standing on toes).
  5. Repeat 3 times.

Om bhuurbhuvassuvaH tatsaviturvareNyaM
bhargodevasya dhiimahi dhiyo yonaH prachodayaat.h

11. PrAnAyamam

Follow the same procedure in point-9 for PrAnAyamam

12. Prayaschitta Arghyam


  1. Left hand is kept on the right thigh and then covering it with right palm. Then words conveying our intention is recited as under.
  2. Sri Bhagavadajnaya Sriman NArayana Prithyartham
    Pratah Sandhyam kaalaatiita praayashchittaarthaM turiiya arghyapradaanaM karishhye


  • arghyapradaana mantrasya saandiipanii R^ishhiH    (head)
  • devi gayathri chhandaH   (nose)
  • savitaa devataa    (chest)
  • turiiya arghyapradaane viniyogaH


  1. Stand erect holding tumbler in the left hand between thumb and first finger.
  2. Hold both palms together, separating the thumb of the right hand from rest of fingers.
  3. Take water in both palms – holding palms at the level of the face.
  4. Recite mantra verbally – throw the water up in the air, looking at the sun, while doing so the heels of both legs should be raised. (That is arghyam is offered standing on toes). Offer 1 arghyam
    Om Bhu | Om Bhuvah | Om suvah | Om Mahah | Om janah | Om tapah | Om Satyam | Om tatsavitur vareniyam bhargo devasya dhimahi diyo yo nah prachodyat | Om Bhu | Om Bhuvah | Om suvah | Om Mahah | Om janah | Om tapah | Om Satyam ||
  5. Water should be taken in right hand palm and thrown around the head clockwise reciting Om bhuurbhuvassuvaH
  6. Turn around clockwise, saluting the sun with anjali mudra reciting asavAdithyoh BrahmA

13. Achamanam

Follow the same procedure in point-1 for Achamanam

14. Kesavadi Tarpanam

  1. Similar to Arghyam but the heels need not be raised – hold tumbler in the left hand between thumb and first finger.
  2. Hold both palms together, separating the thumb of the right hand from rest of fingers.
  3. Take water in both palms – holding palms at the level of the face.
  4. Recite mantra verbally – let water through the tips of the finger to the ground. Offer 1 tarpanamOm keshavaM tarpayaami
    Om naaraayaNaM tarpayaami
    Om maadhavaM tapayaami
    Om govindaM tarpayaami
    Om vishhNuM tarpayaami
    Om madhusuudanaM tarpayaami
    Om trivikramaM tarpayaami
    Om vaamanaM tarpayaami
    Om shriidharaM tarpayaami
    Om hR^ishhiikeshaM tarpayaami
    Om padmanaabhaM tarpayaami
    Om daamodaraM tarpayaami

15. Achamanam

Follow the same procedure in point-1 for Achamanam

16. Japa vidhih

  1. (Sit down in padmaasana with palms folded in praNaama/namaste
    posture after sanctifying the place by lightly sprinkling water)
  2. oM aasanamantrasya pR^ithivyaameru pR^ishhTha R^ishhiH         touch the head
    sutalaM chhandaH               touch the nose tip
    shrii kuurmo devataa            touch the chestaasane viniyogaH
  3. pR^ithvi tvayaa dhR^itaa lokaa devitvaM vishhNunaa dhR^itaa |
    tvaM cha dhaaraya maaM devi pavitraM kuruchaasanam.h ||

17. Gayatri japam

17 (a) Pranayanam mantra japa

  • oM praNavasya R^ishhi brahmaa             touch the head
    devii gaayatrii chhandaH                           touch the nose
    paramaatmaa devataa                              touch the chest
  • oM bhuuraadi sapta vyaahR^itiinaaM atri bhR^igu kutsa vasishhTha
    gautama kaashyapa aaN^girasa R^ishhayaH touch the head
    gaayatrii ushhNik.h anushhTup bR^ihatii paN^ti tR^ishhTup jagatyaH chhandaa{gm}si touch the nose
    agni vaayu arka vaagiisha varuNa indra vishvedevaaH devataaH touch the chest
  • saavitryaa R^ishhiH vishvaamitraH         touch the head
    deviigaayatrii chhandaH                         touch the nose
    savitaa devataa                                  touch the chestgaayatrii shiraso brahma R^ishhiH      touch the head
    anushhTup chhandaH                      touch the nose
    paramaatmaa devataa                         touch the chest
  • sarveshhaaM praaNaayaame viniyogaH

Installation of the Lord

  1. Procedure to be filled in


muktaavidruma hemaniila dhavaLachchhaayaiH mukhaistriikshaNaiH
yuktaamindukalaa nibaddhamakuTaaM tatvaartha varNaatmikaaM |
gaayatriiM varadaabhayaaM kushakashaM shubhraM kapaalaM guNaM
shaN^khaM chakramathaaravindayugaLaM hastairvahantiiM bhaje ||

(meditate on the form of gaayatrii devi)

omaapo jyotiraso.amR^itaM brahma bhuurbhuvassuvarom.h

(while chanting the above mantra perform aatma parishuddhi with the two palms by gently touching from head to toe)

arkamaNDala madhyasthaM suuryakoTisamaprabham.h |
brahmaadi sevya paadaabjaM naumibrahma ramaasakham.h ||

17(b) PrAnAyamam – 3 times

Follow the same procedure in point-9 for PrAnAyamam

 17(c) Gayatri aavahanam

  • aayaatu ityanuvaakasya vaamadeva R^ishhiH         touch the head
    anushhTup.h chhandaH                                      touch the nose
    gaayatrii devataa                                                touch the chestgaayatrii aavaahane viniyogaH(hold the palms together in praNaama/namaste posture)
  • aayaatu varadaa devii aksharaM brahma sammitam |
    gaayatriiM chhandasaaM maatedaM brahma jushhasvanaH |ojosi sahosi balamasi bhraajosi devaanaaM dhaama naamaasi
    vishvamasi vishvaayuH sarvamasi sarvaayuH abhibhuuroM
  • gaayatriiM aavaahayaami ( aatma aavaahanam)

Installation of the Lord


yodevo savitaasmaakaM dhiyo dharmaadi gocharaaH |
prerayet.h tasya yadbhargaH tadvareNyamupaasmahe ||

aaditya maNDaledhyaayet.h paramaatmaanamavyayam.h |
vishhNuM chaturbhujaM ratnakunDalair.h maNDitaaN^ganam.h ||

sarvaratna samaayukta sarvaabharaNa bhuushhitaam.h |
evaM dhyaatvaa japennityaM mantramashhTottaraM shatam.h ||

17(d) PrAnAyamam – 3 times

Follow the same procedure in point-9 for PrAnAyamam

17(e) Gayatri upastanam


shrii bhagavadaaGYayaa shriimannaaraayaNa priityarthaM
praataH sandhyaa gaayatrii upasthaanaM karishhye


uttama ityanuvaakasya vaamadeva R^ishhiH     touch the head
anushhTup.h chhandaH                                    touch the nose
gaayatrii devataa                                             touch the chest
gaayatrii udvaasane viniyogaH


uttame shikhare devii bhuumyaaM parvata muurdhani |
braahmaNebhyo hyanuGYaanaM gachchhadevi yathaa sukham.h ||

Perform the udvaasana mudra with the palms stand up and hold the palms in praNaama/namaste posture

oM | mitrasya charshhaNiidhR^itaH shravodevasya saanasim.h |
satyaM chitra shravastamam.h ||

mitrojanaan.h yaatayati prajaanan mitrodaadhaara pR^ithiviimuta dyaam.h |
mitraH kR^ishhTiiranimishhaabhichashhTe satyaaya havyaM ghR^itavadvidhema ||

prasamitra marto astu prayasvaanyasta aaditya shikshati vratena |
na hanyate na jiiyate tvoto nainama{gm}ho ashnotyantito na duuraat.h ||

18) Sandyadi devata vandanam

  1. Recite the mantras commencing with facing east:
    Om Sandhyayai Namah (East)
    Om Savitrai Namah (South)
    Om Gayatrai Namah (west)
    Om Saraswatai Namah (North)
    Om sarvaabhyo devataabhyo namo namaH (East)
    Om kaamokaarshhiit.h manyurakaarshhiit.h namo namaH (East)
  2. Namaskaram (4 times)

19) Abhivadanam

  1. The palms of the hands are kept near ears, the body is bent at waist level and Abhivadanam is recited.abhivaadaye (………) (……….) (………) +optionally ( ……..) (………).
    thrayarsheya or panchashreya pravaraanvita (1)
    (………..) gotraH (2)
    (………..) suutraH (3)
    (…………..) shaakhaadhyaayii (4)
    shrii (…………..) sharmaanaamaahaM asmibhoH|| (5)Note: The blanks have to be filled in – see notes below
  2. After completing the recitation, the right forehand crosses above the left forehand, and touch the feet of elders.
  3. By Abhivadanam an individual expresses his descent-namely dynastic rishis, gotra, sutra, veda, saka and name.

20) Dikh vandanam

  1. oM praachyai dishe namaH              Facing East
    oM dakshiNaayai dishe namaH        Facing South
    oM pratiichyai dishe namaH             Facing West
    oM udiichyai dishe namaH               Facing North
    oM uurdhvaaya namaH                   East  folded palms upwards
    oM adharaaya namaH                     East folded palms to the ground
    oM antarikshaaya namaH                East  folded palms upwards
    oM bhuumyai namaH                      East  folded palms to the ground
    oM vishhNave namaH                     East folded palms straight
  2. dhyeyassadaa savitR^imaNDala madhyavartii
    naaraayaNaH sarasijaasana sannivishhTaH |
    keyuuravaan.h makarakuNDalavaan.h kiriiTii
    haarii hiraNyaya vapuH dhR^ita shaN^kha chakraH ||shaN^kha chakra gadaa paaNe dvaarakaa nilayaachyuta |
    govinda puNDariikaaksha raksha maaM sharaNaagatam.h ||namo brahmaNya devaaya gobraahmaNahitaaya cha |
    jagaddhitaaya kR^ishhNaaya shrii govindaaya namo namaH ||
  3. Namaskaram (4 times).

21) Abhivadanam

Refer point 19 for Abhivadanam

22) Achamanam

Follow the same procedure in point-1 for Achamanam

23) Satvika Tyaga

Refer point number 4 for Satvika Tyaga

24) Arghyam

Refer point number 10 for Arghyam

25) shriiraN^ga maN^gaLanidhiM

shriiraN^ga maN^gaLanidhiM karuNaanivaasam.h
shriiveN^kaTaadri shikharaalaya kaalamegham.h |
shriihastishaila shikharojvala paarijaatam.h
shriishaM namaami shirasaa yadushaila diipam.h || 


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  1. Blessed am I for having come across here being a contemporary for witnessing an ambience of stiff resistance to Brahminical existance & practices & in such a monopoly in anti Brahmin stance here comes a bold move to put forth a thorough knowledge about the practices for & in Human Importance & neccessity to drive home the essentialism of being a “BRAHMIN” !

  2. I am really thrilled to come across these pages. I thankfully remember my father Shri Veeraraghavachari who taught me all these nithyanushtaana karmas almost 30 years back. I am sure that these photographs with notes will be help full for younger generations.

  3. Thus site is very useful for Sri Vaishanavites especially those residing abroad .The sandhyvandhanam procedure video is really very good. May Lord Narayana bless us all!

    • sri:
      yes; when doing aachamanam, we have to remove the pavithram and we keep it behind our right ear; reason for removing: aachamanam involves partaking of water and even by mistake, a portion of the sipped water should not touch the pavithram (echil pada koodaathu); pavithram also means sacred.
      adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan

  4. It will be helpful if English translation of all the mantras employed are given so as to understand their spiritual significance. I attempted somewhat with my limited knowledge. Please refer to Hindu Reflections;
    I am not replacing Gurus and Acharyas as I have limited knowledge but trying to understand them only.

    • If you are in Chennai you can get a copy of the Snadhyaavandana book in Tamil from Sri Poundareekapuram Asramam at Srirangam. Asmad Achaaryan ParamaPada Vaasi Sri ParavakkOttai Gopala Desika Mahaadesikan has given the meanings for the mantras in a book available at the asramam.

  5. For nowadays days for youong boys are require ifucantransulate inEnglish will be useful forthose were in other countries like Uk,USA etc.
    This site is very useful for all .
    This is very useful for all nowadays

  6. Thank you. After Vidhwan Srinivas Deshikar’s book, this is a really a good way of teaching people about the most important karthavyas of our daily life. Your work is highly appreciated.

  7. Dear Sirs, I am an admirer of Vedic practices and I would like to incorporate some of them in my life, would you please be kind to direct me to scriptural sources of nitya karma? I Have come across other websites that mention the nitya karma but nobody provides the source reference, looking forward to your reply.


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