Kanchipuram Idli


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  • Boiled rice rawa- 2 tumblers
  • Urad dal- 1 tumbler soak for an hour and grind coarsely
  • Cooking oil- 1cup
  • Pepper- 10-12 pieces
  • Jeera-1 tablespoons
  • Hing- 1 pinch
  • Dried ginger- 2 tsps powdered
  • Ginger-finely cut 1 teaspoon
  • Salt- to taste
  • Curry leaves-1 bunch
  • Curds-2 tablespoons


  • Soak boiled rice rawa in water, add salt.
  • Mix the urad dal which has been ground coarsely.
  • Heat oil, put in the pepper, jeera, hing, dried ginger, curry leaves and cut ginger.
  • Pour on the batter and mix well. If ground in the morning the iddlis can be prepared in the evening.
  • Pour batter in greased tumblers and steam for 20 minutes.
  • Test to see if it is done by piercing with a clean knife and it should come out clean. otherwise steam for some more time. Remove, cool and using a knife prise round the sides and turn the tumbler upside down.
  • Remove all in the same way.  Delicious idlis are ready.

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Recipe by Vyjayanthi Sundararajan

  • General guidelines for healthier food – Both body and mind:

    • One should be thinking about Perumal (Nama Smaranam) while cooking, and the purpose should be to offer the preparation to Him.
    • Once the food is prepared, it should be offered to Perumal first. While offering, one should make sure that the food is neither too hot nor cold. It should be offered with love and affection.
    • Please do not offer either pre-cooked food bought from outside or any pre-consumed food.
    • Please follow thiruvaradanam kramam as instructed by your respective acharya. (http://anudinam.org/2012/03/08/bhagavad-tiruvaradhanam/)
    • Follow ahara niyamam as much as possible. Atleast make sure that onion and garlic are not used at all.(http://anudinam.org/2012/06/11/srivaishnava-ahara-niyamam/)
    • Please ensure that food which are not prasadams are not consumed.

    No onion and garlic

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    • Instead of parboiled rice you can use raw rice.Soak and grind to rava like consistency. Use equal amount of urad dal ,soak grind coarsely. Rest of ingredients and method can be followed.


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