HH 44-th Pontiff of Ahobila Mutt Sri Mukkoor Srimad Azhagiyasingar Thirunakshatra Mahotsavam

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09 September 2021,Plava Varusha,Avani -24,Thursday;Thirunakshatram Mahotsavam of HH 44-th Pontiff of Ahobila Mutt Sri Mukkoor Azhagiyasingar is celebrated in Ahobila mutt (s)in many places.

Srivann Sadagopa Sri Vedanta Desika Yatheendra Mahadesikan,44 –th Jeeyar of Ahobila Mutt,had been in connection with the Ahobila Mutt for almost 50 years as Asthana Vidwan during pontiff of Sri Injimedu Azhagiyasingar and Sri Thevanarvilagam Azhagiyasingar.

He adorned the simhasana from November 1957 and his period of pontiff was remarkable and his way of administration  and his active participation in progressive activities of  temples in many places  and his great leadership,his perseverance ,to complete historical architectural construction like RajaGopuram in southern side of the temple ,placed vaishnavites around the world in great amusement. His guidance in the Mutt, was till 16 August 1992, until the age of 97. He adorned the status of Srivaikuntam on 16 August 1992,before which he nominated the next succession.This happened without much turbulence, ensuring the smooth functioning of Aradhanam of  Sri malolan .Till his last breath,he did his services to Malolan and vaishnavism with great effort and sincerity.His services was not only  restricted to vaishnavism,but for humanity as a whole.He was not only a great mentor to vaishnavites, but  was also  a great support for the needy people who came to his rescue.

He was born in Mukkoor village in North Arcot District on the banks of Cheyyar river,to the blessed parents Sri Rangachariar swamy and Smt.Ranganayaki Ammal in August 1895.Uyanapanam was performed and samasrayanam by his Father himself and sent to Veda patasala in Srimushnam ,at the age of 12 .After completing that ,he went to Mannargudi to learn Vyakaranam from HH Mannargudi Ahagiyasingar.he learnt Vyakarana Sastras from from Nadadur Krishmachari iyengar and learnt Divya Prabhandam from Kasi Kuppuswamy Iyengar and learnt Kavya Natakas from Swarnam Krishnamachari.He attended many sadas during his Poorvashramam,among great scholars,in which he stood distinguished.His contribution to Sampradaya and Mutt activities is immense.His tenure was a golden period and he can be described as gopura kalasham among the Acharyas.

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