


Rice : 1/4 tumbler
Payattham Paruppu (Green Gram): 1/2 ladle
Milk : 2 ladle
Jaggery: quantity is of the size of 2 lemons
Cashew: required quantity
Saffron (if available)
Dry grapes

Preparation Method:

1. Put rice, payatham parupu, milk, water in cooker.
2. Leave it to be cooked in the cooker for more time than the usual time for making ordinary rice.
3. Powder the jaggery.
4. Mix the powdered jaggery with water, heat it & stir it continuously when heating. Do this until it turns into syrup-like state. Filter it using some filter like coffee filter (this is done because usually jaggery contains unwanted particles that would’ve settled down in the syrup) .
5. Mix this (filtered) jaggery syrup with the cooked rice mixture.
6. Fry cashew nut & dry grapes, & add it to the rice + jaggery mixture.
7. Add cardamom + saffron to the mixture.

And there you go!…here’s your tasty Akkaravadisal! Note: Akkaravadisal should be in semi-solid state. If the end preparation is too tight (i.e. solid), then add milk to make it little loose. Quantity mentioned here is serve for 2 persons

Source: www.trsiyengar.com

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